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Version: 7.1


The package "submission" contains steps related to the creation and delivery of SIPs.

Submission: generate agreements overview

Generates an overview of the submission agreements in a specific folder.

java ch.docuteam.actions.submission.AgreementsOverviewGenerator \
agreements_directory output_type output_directory
agreements_directorylocation where the collection of submission agreements can be found
output_typeone of { Hierarchy|Flat|CSV }, defining the structure of the resulting overview file
output_directorytarget location for the created overview file, defaults to the directory, where the agreements are located

Submission: check folder

Checks that the size of a SIP, the file sizes and the file paths do not exceed a maximum value.

java ch.docuteam.actions.submission.CheckFolder \
[/path/to/]folder maxTotalSize maxSingleFileSize maxFilePathLength
/path/to/]folderpath of the folder to check; if no path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the property
maxTotalSizethe max allowed size the folder may have
maxSingleFileSizethe max allowed size any of the files contained by the sip
maxFilePathLengththe max allowed length of file paths within the folder

Submission: create SIP from CSV

Creates a SIP according to the Matterhorn METS profile using the structure and descriptive metadata in a CSV file.


The requirements for the parameters as well as the CSV source file are the same as for the respective action of docuteam packer.

java ch.docuteam.actions.submission.CreateSIPFromCSV \
--csv=[path/to/CSV] --mappingFile=[path/to/mappingFile] --submissionAgreement=[path/to/submissionAgreement] --dataSubmissionSession=[data submission session id] --outputFolder=[/path/to/folder]
--csvlocation of the CSV to create a SIP from
--mappingFilefile from which to read the mapping
--submissionAgreementsubmission agreement file
--dataSubmissionSessionid of the submission session
--outputFolderoptional, indicate the output folder; defaults to actions.workbench.inbox
--checksumoptional, indicate whether the checksums in the created SIP shall be compared with the checksums given in the csv; defaults to false
--skipLevelValidationoptional, indicate whether to skip validation according to levels.xml; defaults to false

Submission: create SIP from Excel

Creates a SIP according to the Matterhorn METS profile using the structure and descriptive metadata in an Excel spreadsheet.


  • Only the first worksheet is taken into account.
  • This sheet must contain a path column that lists all files and folders to be packed into a SIP.
  • The file and folder paths can be specified in a either absolute or relative way. A mixed specification of relative/absolute paths is not allowed.
  • The sheet must also contain a levelOfDescription column. Only those values may be entered here that are specified as permitted in the file levels.xml.
  • Only metadata fields that are provided in the file levels.xml for the corresponding description level may be entered. Undefined metadata fields are logged as a warning.
java ch.docuteam.actions.submission.CreateSIPFromExcel \
[path/to/]Excelfile saID dssID [path/to/target/directory]
[path/to/]Excelfilename or path without file extension to the excel file; defaults to actions.workbench.preparation if path is omitted
saIDstring that is used to reference a submission agreement
dssIDstring that is used to reference a data submission session within the submission agreement
[path/to/target/directory]path to the directory, where the SIP should be placed; optional, defaults to actions.workbench.preparation

Submission: create SIPs from file or folder

Creates a SIP from a file or folder. If a folder is specified, a parameter can be used to control whether a SIP should be created for the entire folder or one SIP for each individual file or subfolder in that folder. This action works recursively and also adds files in subfolders to the SIP.

java ch.docuteam.actions.submission.CreateSIPsFromFileOrFolder \
source split saID dssID author zipped [outputDir]
sourcefile or folder for which an SIP should be generated; if a relative path is given, it is assumed to be within the folder defined by the property actions.workbench.preparation
splitif true, a separate SIP will be created for each file/folder within the source (assuming the source is a folder)
saIDvalue to use for referencing a submission agreement in the SIP. The action will skip file formats not allowed in the submission agreement.
dssIDvalue to use for referencing a data submission session of the respective submission agreement
authorvalue to use as the creator for the SIP
zippedif true, create zipped SIPs
[outputDir]optional location where to put the SIPs; if omitted the property will be used

Submission: rename by date and owner

Renames a folder. The folder name is preceded by the date and owner in the form "yyyyMMMdd_[file owner]_".

java ch.docuteam.actions.submission.RenameByDateAndOwner \
[/path/to/]foldername of the folder to rename; if no path or a relative path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the actions.workbench.inbox property"

Submission: submit SIPs from folder

Selects SIPs and transfers them via the REST interface to docuteam feeder workflows.

java ch.docuteam.actions.submission.SubmitSIPsFromFolder \
inbox errorbox filter feeder_url workflows user password \
useAbsolutePaths checkEmptyQueue [maxNumberSIPs]
inboxpath to the folder containing the SIPs
errorboxpath to the folder where to put unsuccessful SIPs
filterregex filter string for the SIPs within the inbox; put the regex expression into quotation marks!
feeder_urlURL pointing to the feeder main page, e.g. http://localhost/feeder
workflowscomma separated list of workflows to execute on each SIP
userusername for feeder
passwordpassword for feeder
useAbsolutePathstrue/false, indicating whether to submit SIPs by absolute paths or just their filenames
checkEmptyQueuetrue/false, indicating whether to check if the queue is empty before submitting new SIPs
[maxNumberSIPs](optional): maximum number of SIPs to send to feeder; if omitted, all SIPs matching the filter string will be submitted