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Jahresrelease 2022

In April 2022, all components were once again tagged to create a coherent setup of all applications. For this annual release feeder has received major updates, both in functionality as well as for the UI.

Solution components

docuteam feeder5.7Since 5.3 in 2021, there were a number of larger updates, e.g. an event API has been added, the UI framework has been replaced entirely, depositions can be uploaded using the UI, and quite a few useability improvements have been added. The UI framework update requires recent browsers (IE is not supported anymore).
docuteam packer6.3Additional functionality like a CSV metadata import has been added, and Italian language is supported.
docuteam actions6.3Improvements to existing actions are available.
docuteam rservices5.9Although rservices will be replaced in the context of the Fedora upgrade, security updates and bugfixes were applied.
docuteam bridge1.4"docuteam bridge API" is now integrated into docuteam feeder, creating consistent authorization and aligning models.
Fedora Repository Software3.8Given that version 6 of the Fedora Repository software is not yet published, we'll stay with 3.8.1 for yet another annual release. However, the migration paths have been pushed very much, and we're getting ready behind the scenes to offer an upgrade during the current year.
AtoM2.6We use the latest stable release of AtoM, extended with a plug-in to access the digital repository objects.