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Version: 6.6

Release Notes


Release date: 26 January 2023

This minor version includes a new action and improvements to existing actions, as well as default maintenance to actions and its underlying libraries.

docuteam actions

New features


  • improve error message for box requests
  • extend output of AddPIDsFromBox (F6) to show the identifiers assigned to each node
  • add PREMIS events for virus checks regardless of the outcome


  • CreateSIPFromCSV to return succesfully only if SIP was created
  • SIPFormatIdentificationCheck to update format info of correct PREMIS object

Changes in common libraries


  • adapt mapping to Rosetta DNX to not link characteristics and characteristicsNote
  • include the latest version of DROID signature files
  • upgrade dependencies indicated by
  • add EAD metadata elements for legal holds


  • handle attribute exclusion on intermediary elements for dynamic metadata elements (EAD)
  • cleanup temporary files when converting long paths


Release date: 17 February 2023

This maintenance release fixes the standalone converter distribution (used by docuteam box).

Changes in common libraries


  • Re-include jaxen in converter distribution


  • upgrade dependencies indicated by

Earlier releases


Release date: 26 October 2022

This minor version adds new functionalities as well as default maintenance to actions and its underlying libraries.

docuteam actions

New features

  • support using the workflow_execution API of feeder with token authentication (instead of basic authentication which is not supported anymore in feeder >6.


  • add missing error messages

Changes in common libraries

New features

  • new postAction to add/update/remove metadata values recursively in children


  • make main method of FileConverter return an exit code in case of an error
  • include the latest version of DROID signature files
  • upgrade dependencies indicated by (e.g. CVE-2022-42889)


Release date: 12 August 2022

This minor version adds new functionalities as well as default maintenance to actions and its underlying libraries.

docuteam actions

New features


  • fail DIPDeliverer early if target filename already exists


  • annotate classes (primarily in the storage package) related to F3 as deprecated

Changes in common libraries

New features

  • support reading out creation date of files


  • log stdout and stderr separately for SystemProcess
  • include the latest version of DROID signature files
  • add MIME type for msg file format to DROID signature file
  • upgrade dependencies indicated by


  • update log config for apache cxf


Release date: 20 April 2022

This minor version adds improvements and applies continuous maintenance, both for existing actions as well as underlying libraries.

docuteam actions


  • SIPFileMigrator throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException for names with regex reserved characters
  • use correct PUID for Powerpoint presentation

Changes in common libraries

New features

  • create postAction for updating the dates of parent entries automatically


  • FileConverter should compare extension case-insensitive
  • include the latest version of DROID signature files
  • upgrade dependencies indicated by


Release Date: 09 June 2022

This bugfix version primarily addresses an issue with large uploads to Fedora 3.

docuteam actions


  • re-enable cxf spring configuration for uploads to Fedora3
  • always use UTF-8 when sending/reading data from ClamAV socket

Changes in common libraries

New features

  • create distribution for docuteam converter


  • execute postAction also if a metadataElementInstance is removed
  • upgrade dependencies


  • postActionAddDateInParents should update even if parent date is empty and date field is not set to repeatable


Release date: 16 February 2022

This minor version adds functionalities and improvements, both for existing actions as well as underlying libraries.

docuteam actions


  • Support short folder names for conversion from EDIDOC packages.
  • Support using an alternative email sender address (different from the from-address) through the properties.
  • FOXMLIngester removes empty folders for stored objects.

Changes in common libraries

New features

  • Add date validator accepting any of yyyyMMDD, yyyyMM, yyyy.


  • Use delete instead of deleteOnExit wherever possible.
  • Include the latest version of DROID signature files.


Release date: 16 March 2022

Changes in common libraries


  • Improve data transfer from 3-Heights Document Converter webservice.
  • Set from address and send date for email messages.
  • Upgrade dependencies indicated by


Release date: 26 November 2021

This minor version adds a number of smaller improvements for existing actions.

docuteam actions



Changes in common libraries


  • Resolve security issue about xstream initialization.
  • Include the latest version of DROID signature files.
  • Upgrade dependencies indicated by


Release date: 07 December 2021

This bugfix version improves usage of existing actions.

docuteam actions



Release date: 13 December 2021

This bugfix version mainly addresses a security issue related to the log4j framework.

docuteam actions


  • Include only STDERR in remark to Fabasoft.

Changes in common libraries


  • Upgrade log4j to version 2.15.0 to address CVE-2021-44228


Release date: 14 December 2021

This bugfix version addresses a security issue related to the log4j framework.

Changes in common libraries


  • Upgrade log4j to version 2.16.0 to further address CVE-2021-44228


Release date: 23 December 2021

This bugfix version addresses a security issue related to the log4j framework, and updates other dependencies, too.

Changes in common libraries


  • Upgrade log4j to version 2.17.0 to further address CVE-2021-45105
  • Upgrade dependencies indicated by


Release date: 05 January 2022

This bugfix version addresses a security issue related to the log4j framework.

Changes in common libraries


  • Upgrade log4j to version 2.17.1
  • Replace deprecated MySQL driver classname


Release date: 08 March 2021

This major version marks, first and foremost, the transition from Java 8 to Java 11. On the one hand, this means a changed prerequisite – actions requires Java 11. This also brings some smaller changes with it. One side effect is that any properties files need to be encoded in UTF-8 (used to be ISO-8859-1). On the other hand, the module "docuteam-feeder" was renamed to "docuteam-actions" to clarify the distinction between docuteam feeder as the workflow engine and these actions that are used primarily during the ingest process. While both the workflow engine as well as the actions can be used independently of each other, a common setup will use the actions as individual steps of ingest workflows within feeder.

docuteam actions

New Features

  • A new action was created to transform an EDIDOC package into a Matterhorn METS package to be further processed by subsequent actions, see the detailed documentation
  • A new action was created to remove specific file formats from a Matterhorn METS package, see the detailed documentation



Changes in common libraries


  • upgrade dependencies indicated by
  • use correct namespace (not just a string representation) consistently when adding new METS elements to the xml file


Release date: 28 September 2021

This bugfix version extends the support of the EDIDOC standard with archives specific metadata, and adds a new action to submit ingest outcome to Fabasoft's e-Government suite.

docuteam actions

New Features

  • The action to transform an EDIDOC package into a Matterhorn METS package has been extended to support an additional XML file to include Fabasoft specific archival metadata, see the detailed documentation
  • A new action was created to report the ingest process outcome to Fabasoft's e-Government suite.



  • Cleanup xslt to provide a human readable version of the migration-config.xml
  • Increase HTTP timeout for Fedora ingests

Changes in common libraries


  • Upgrade dependencies
  • For duplicate filenames, show path information as well
  • Fix JHove dependency to not break if the external schema is not available
  • Deactivate (encapsulated) postscript in default configuration


  • Properly deal with attributes of the xlink namespace within EAD
  • Support trailing spaces in filenames for file converter
  • Adjust PREMIS event information for replacements of files


Release date: 16 April 2021

This minor version is mainly a maintenance release for the 5.x version.

docuteam actions


  • Extend metadata extraction from OpenText Content Server
  • Allow relative paths in zip files for specific contexts


  • With docuteam feeder 5.2, the API for starting new workflow executions has changed (from "sip" to "entered_sip")

Changes in common libraries


  • upgrade dependencies to work with OpenText Content Server 16.2


Release date: 16 November 2020

This minor version includes a new action, the most recent DROID signatures and security upgrades to current libraries as well as the regular bugfixes.

docuteam actions

New Features

  • new action to get OAI_DC and linked files from REST interface by ID, see documentation

Changes in common libraries


  • update default DROID signature files
  • upgrade dependencies indicated by


  • ensure resources are properly closed


Release date: 5. January 2021

Changes in common libraries


  • correctly set priority for log config


Release date: 19 August 2020

This minor version includes mainly a performance improvement when initializing an action.

Changes in common libraries


  • initialize DROID only at first use


Release date: 26 May 2020

This minor version includes a number of additional features/improvements as well as regular bugfixes. Also, it marks the transition from "feeder_java"/"feeder operations" to "docuteam actions" to separate it more clearly from "docuteam feeder" as the ingest workflow engine.

docuteam actions

New Features

  • new action to add/update file format information (PUID, MIME type, format name) that is missing/outdated in a SIP
  • new action to get MARCXML from REST interface by ID, and support MARCXML as an additional type for <dmdSec/> elements for our information packages (SIP/AIP/DIP)


  • set the workbench's preparation folder as default search location for the action CreateSIPsFromFileOrFolder


  • trim spaces in eCH-0160 packages when converting to Matterhorn METS
  • fix unique ID when multiple files/folders with the same name occur in eCH-0160 to Matterhorn conversion
  • fix SNBPDFConverter to use proper URL for service endpoint
  • when a submitted BagIt DublinCore SIP is not valid, the process should finish with the regular error message instead of an exception

Changes in common libraries


  • update default DROID signature files
  • simplify EAD export to process elements in a generic way


  • do not allow folder and file names with trailing "."
  • remove all repeated metadata elements on the source file node when migrating and keeping the original
  • fix order for newly added PREMIS objects
  • consistent handling of node title when migrating file and keeping the original
  • use attribut "type" instead of "role" for element <EAD:dimensions/>, and add xlink namespace for attribute "role" of <EAD:extref/>


Release date: 12 February 2020

This minor version marks our transition to Bitbucket as CI platform and Cloudsmith as artifact repository.

Changes in common libraries


  • change delimiter for multi-value fields in eCH-0160 converter to ":"


Release date: 22 November 2019

docuteam actions

New Features

  • new actions step to replace the file content of a node
  • new actions step to convert an eCH-0160 SIP into Matterhorn METS


  • unlock the SIP in case of error during feeder's SIPConfirmation
  • action step CreateSIPFromExcel must integrate metadata for empty folders
  • fix cleanup operation to check for valid SIPs before deleting zipped/unzipped packages
  • fix exception in CreateSIPFromExcel when cell has no value
  • use correct parameters for Ghostscript version >=9.27
  • use correct slf4j libraries

Changes in common libraries

New Features

  • integrate platform independent webservice for the 3-Heights document converter


  • Use the most recent DROID signatures in config as default (instead of hard-coded default)
  • check for valid filenames when unzipping


  • sanitize invalid XML characters in metadata values
  • fix kerberos authentication for SNBPDFGenerator
  • use correct log4j libraries for logging
  • replace calls with java.nio.file.Files.move(Path, Path, CopyOption…)