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Version: 6.7


The package "bridge" contains steps that interact with docuteam feeder API.

Bridge: download deposition

Downloads a deposition from docuteam feeder API. After a successful download the status of the delivery is set to processing.

java ch.docuteam.actions.bridge.DownloadDeposition \
--depositionId=depositionId [--targetDirPath=path/to/targetDir]
--depositionId=depositionIdname of deposition
[--targetDirPath=path/to/targetDir]target directory, defaults to actions.workbench.inbox

Bridge: create SIP from DublinCore Bagit SIP

Creates a SIP based on the Matterhorn profile from a zipped DublinCore Bagit SIP.

java ch.docuteam.actions.bridge.CreateSIPFromDublinCoreBagitSIP \ \
--saTemplate=sa_all-formats-01 \
--dssId=newDssId \
--bagitZipName=depositionId.zipname of bagit SIP, with or without extension '.zip'
--saTemplate=sa_all-formats-01submission agreement template
--dssId=newDssIdID of dataSubmissionSession in submission agreement
[--levelsFilePath=path/to/levels_bagit-dublincore.xml]optional, path to levels file

Bridge: queue submitted depositions

Starts a workflow in docuteam feeder for all depositions in docuteam feeder API with the status submitted and sets the status of these deliveries to queued.

java ch.docuteam.actions.bridge.QueueSubmittedDepositions \
--workflowId=workflowId \
[--organization=docuteam] \
--workflowId=workflowIdID of workflow to be started
[--organizationBridge=myOrg]name of bridge organization

Bridge: upload PIDs for deposition

Transfers PIDs from Fedora to docuteam feeder API and sets the status of the deposition to processing. Assumes that the SIP can be found in

java ch.docuteam.actions.bridge.UploadPIDsForDeposition \
--depositionId=1234.zipdeposition ID, assuming it is also the name of the SIP

Bridge: report error

Sets the status of a deposition to error.

java ch.docuteam.actions.bridge.ReportDepositionStatus \
--workflowExecutionId=workflowExecutionId \
--depositionId=depositionId \
--workflowExecutionId=workflowExecutionIdworkflow execution ID in docuteam feeder
--depositionId=depositionIddeposition ID
--organization=1number of organization