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Version: 2.0


The following operation is used to facilitate migration from Fedora version 3.8.x to Fedora version 6.x.

Find PIDs to be migrated from Fedora 3 to Fedora 6

Using the connection information from the config.json, this operation will compare PIDs of root objects in F3 with PIDs already in F6 and – for each PID missing – create an event in feeder. Using the event handlers, a subsequent workflow to migrate that item can be initiated.

docuteam-actions findMigratablePIDs -c [/path/to/]config.json

--version Show version number [boolean]
--debug Set log level to debug [boolean]
-c, --config Configuration file path [string] [required]
--help Show help [boolean]
-l, --limit Limit of PIDs to be migrated [number]