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Version: 2.2

Quality Assurance

The group of operations "Quality Assurance" contains steps to verify and check SIPs.

Identify duplicate files in Fedora based on SHA-512 checksum

This operation checks for each file present in an SIP if a file with the same SHA-512 checksum already exists in Fedora. If any duplicate files are found, it outputs an error message with the PIDs of the duplicate files. Optionally it is possible to limit the search for duplicates to a specific Fedora prefix (by using the prefix parameter). By setting the optional parameter checkForEmptyBinaries to true, the action will additionally report checksums of empty binaries instead of comparing the empty binary's checksum with the checksums already in Fedora.

docuteam-actions checkForExistingBinariesByHash -c [/path/to/]config.json

--version Show version number [boolean]
--debug Set log level to debug [boolean]
-c, --config Configuration file path [string] [required]
--help Show help [boolean]
-d, --data Input file path [string] [required]
--checkForEmptyBinaries Check for empty binaries (default false) [boolean]
--prefix Fedora 6 prefix [string]

Identify duplicate record resources in Fedora based on metadata elements

This operation searches for duplicate record resources in Fedora 6 based on a metadata element present in the SIP. Currently the operation supports the URN and sourceURL metadata elements. For each occurence of the selected metadata element present in the SIP it checks if a record resource with the same metadata element already exists and (if yes) fails with an error message. If the selected metadata element does not occur in the SIP, no check is done and the operation succeeds. Optionally it is possible to limit the search for duplicates to a specific Fedora prefix (by using the prefix parameter).

docuteam-actions checkForExistingRecordsByMetadata -c [/path/to/]config.json

--version Show version number [boolean]
--debug Set log level to debug [boolean]
-c, --config Configuration file path [string] [required]
--help Show help [boolean]
-d, --data Input file path [string] [required]
--accessorName EAD accessor defining which field to be used [string] [required]
--prefix Fedora 6 prefix [string]