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Version: 5.8



In addition to starting workflows manually, it is also possible to start certain workflows automatically. This is done in conjunction with a so-called "hotfolder". A hotfolder is a folder that is under observation: if a SIP is stored in it, the processing of this SIP automatically starts with a specific workflow.

The configuration of such hotfolders is done in the file <installation directory>\config\doc_observer.yml.

directory: /tmp # directory to watch
glob: */** # pattern for files to watch
interval: 5.0 # interval between runs (in seconds)
stable: 2 # number of runs until a file is stable (only trigger when copying is finished)
persist: /tmp/dw_state.yml # path for persistence file

uri: localhost:3000 # uri for the webservice
user: user # user name for basic authentication
password: password123 # password for basic authentication

workflow_id: 3 # id of the workflow to execute
queue_name: fast-queue # optional queue name, if not given the organisation queue is used
# (name of the queue "Meine Organisation".paremeterize() -> "meine-organisation")
# to run the corresponding worker: "QUEUES=fast-queue rails jobs:work"

parent: false # submit the parent path of the object { true | false (default) }
absolute: false # submit the absolute path of the object { true | false (default) }
extension: false # submit the filename with the extension { true | false (default) }

temporary_folder_path: C:/temp # once the file is stable, move it here and send this path to the workflow execution


The following example sets up a hotfolder at C:/example. If a ZIP file remains unchanged in this folder for 10 seconds, this file is processed with the workflow with the ID 217. This workflow belongs in docuteam feeder to the organization with the ID 1. If the workflow started in this way fails, the workflow with the ID 34 is executed (e.g. to send an email):

example_hotfolder:                     # this hotfolder is called "example_hotfolder"
directory: C:/example # the directory that is being watched
glob: '*.zip' # only ZIP files should be processed
interval: 5.0 # the duration between two checks is 5 seconds
stable: 2 # a file has to be unchanged for 2 intervals, here 10 seconds
persist: C:/temp/example_state.yml # persistence file (does not need to be created manually)

uri: localhost:3000/organizations/1 # the hotfolder is watched by the organization no 1
user: someUserName # user name
password: somePassword # password

workflow_id: 217 # the SIP shall be processed by the workflow no 217

parent: false # these three specifications determine
absolute: false # how the path to the SIP in the hotfolder
extension: false # is to be transmitted to the workflow

temporary_folder_path: C:/temp/sips # path for temporary files


For continuous monitoring of the hotfolder, a corresponding service or daemon must be set up. Under Windows this can be done for example by means of NSSM :

application path...\docuteam\apps\ruby23\bin\bundle.bat
start directory...\docuteam\apps\feeder_ruby
argumentsexec ...\docuteam\apps\ruby23\bin\ruby lib\doc_observer\
doc_observer.rb <observer_label>

<observer_label> references an entry in the file doc_observer.yml
for the above example example_hotfolder