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The reference model OAIS, which docuteam cosmos follows conceptually, is based on a modularization of functions and areas of responsibility. Accordingly, docuteam cosmos is not a monolithic software solution, but a package of different applications, each of which implements individual components of OAIS. These applications communicate with each other via defined interfaces and enable modularized and flexible solutions. Widespread, internationally recognized standards are used so that docuteam cosmos can also interact with third-party tools in libraries and archives.

The "software family" of docuteam cosmos is continuously being developed and currently includes the following components:

docuteam packer

With docuteam packer data can be prepared for delivery to a digital archive. docuteam packer bundles your data into a Submission Information Package. This contains the delivery data as well as technical, structural and descriptive metadata.

docuteam actions

docuteam actions is a collection of programs to create, edit and save Submission Information Packages. This collection forms the basis for more complex workflows in docuteam feeder.

docuteam actions-js

docuteam actions-js, simliar to the actions above, is an additional collection of atomic steps to process Information Packages. While docuteam actions is developed in Java, actions-js is developed in Typescript, but its individual actions can likewise be used as steps in workflows for docuteam feeder.

docuteam feeder

docuteam feeder is a web-based ingest tool to migrate, validate, modify and finally store data in a long-term archive. docuteam feeder also offers interfaces (APIs) to deliver data and to start and monitor processes.

docuteam box

docuteam box offers various functionalities with regard to a Fedora 6 repository. It offers both an API for automation, and a user interface to access and review the content of the repository.

docuteam context

docuteam context is a modern archive information system (AIS) based on the new metadata standard Records in Contexts (RiC) and on advanced, scalable web technologies.

docuteam sirius

docuteam sirius is a modern digital reading room for archive material. It integrates various data sources and is based on an up-to-date web publishing system, which also allows published data to be presented attractive visually and in terms of content.

docuteam rservices (deprecated, EOL 2024)

docuteam rservices offers various functionalities with regard to a Fedora 3 repository. As Fedora 3 has reached EOL a while ago, we are deprecating rservices as of 2023 and will end support by the end of 2024. The replacement for rservices is docuteam box which is based on Fedora 6. Any Fedora 3 instances should be migrated until that date, see the outline of such a procedure here.

Annual releases

Once a year, the various versions are bundled into an annual release.


You will find a preview of the planned developments in all our products under roadmap.