Matterhorn METS
Matterhorn METS is the data and metadata model that docuteam uses for information packages (SIP). It was developed by docuteam and the Valais State Archive for digital archiving and has been registered with the Library of Congress since 2012 (specification). Matterhorn METS is based on widely used, established and publicly available standards:
- METS Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard as container format
- PREMIS for technical and administrative metadata
- EAD for descriptive metadata
Matterhorn METS specifies how these three standards have to be used to describe a SIP. This description is located in the SIP on the top level next to the root element and is called mets.xml
A Matterhorn METS-XML consists of the METS header (METS:METSHdr
) with the basic administrative metadata, such as the creation date of the SIP.
A "Descriptive Metadata Section" is created for each object in the SIP (METS:dmdSec
). This contains the descriptive metadata according to the EAD standard.
All descriptive metadata is stored within the file mets.xml
using the EAD schema.
The "Administrative Metadata Section" (METS:amdSec
) contains technical and administrative metadata for the individual objects, such as the checksum, information on the file format or the PREMIS events. A PREMIS event contains information about which actor performed which action at what time and with what result.
An example of a PREMIS event:
<PREMIS:eventDetail>Performed by: 'user'</PREMIS:eventDetail>
<PREMIS:linkingObjectIdentifier xlink:type="simple">
Finally, the "Structure Map" (METS:structMap
) contains the information about the hierarchy of the objects.
List of EAD metadata elements
The following table lists the metadata elements available for active use in docuteam cosmos and provides the following information:
- The
used inlevels.xml
. - Default field label displayed in packer. These labels can be adapted by editing the
files indocuteam-packer\translations
. Numbers at the start of the field name correspond to ISAD(G) elements. - Corresponding EAD (Version 2002) element. Given is the xpath relative to an
accessorNameID | Default field label in packer | EAD |
otherLevelName | 1.4 Level | [@level = 'otherlevel']/@otherlevel |
accessPolicy | Access Policy | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessPolicy']/EAD:p |
accessRestrictionClassification | Classification | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsClassification']/EAD:p |
accessRestrictionClosureYear | Access Restriction Until Year | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsClosureYear']/EAD:p |
accessRestrictionExplanation | Access Restriction Explanation | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsExplanation']/EAD:p |
accessRestrictionIsMetadataPublic | Publish Metadata | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsIsMetadataPublic']/EAD:p |
accessRestrictionIsPublic | Publish Documents | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsIsPublic']/EAD:p |
accessRestrictionPeriod | Access Restriction Period | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsPeriod']/EAD:p |
accessRestrictionPeriodBaseYear | Access Restriction Period Since Year | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsPeriodBaseYear']/EAD:p |
accessRestrictionPrivacy | Privacy | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsPrivacy']/EAD:p |
accessRestrictionStatus | Access Restriction Status | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsStatus']/EAD:p |
accessRestrictionStatusExplanation | Access Restriction Status Explanation | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsStatusExplanation']/EAD:p |
retentionPeriodBaseYear | Retention Period Since Year | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'baseYear']/EAD:p |
accessRestriction | 4.1 Access Rules | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'restrictions']/EAD:p |
retentionPeriod | Retention Period | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'retentionPeriod']/EAD:p |
retentionPolicy | Retention Policy | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'retentionPolicy']/EAD:p |
usagePermission | Usage permission | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'usagePermission']/EAD:p |
usagePermissionExpiringDate | Usage permission expiring date | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'usagePermissionExpiringDate']/EAD:p |
accruals | 3.3 Accruals | EAD:accruals/EAD:p |
accessNr | 2.4 Source of Acquisition | EAD:acqinfo/EAD:p |
reproductions | 5.2 Location of Copies | EAD:altformavail/EAD:p |
appraisalDateDisposed | Date Of Destruction | EAD:appraisal/EAD:note[@type = 'dateDisposed']/EAD:p |
appraisalHoldRule | Hold Rule | EAD:appraisal/EAD:note[@type = 'holdRule']/EAD:p |
appraisalHoldOwner | Hold Owner | EAD:appraisal/EAD:note[@type = 'holdOwner']/EAD:p |
appraisalHoldReason | Hold Reason | EAD:appraisal/EAD:note[@type = 'holdReason']/EAD:p |
appraisalHoldStartDate | Hold Start Date | EAD:appraisal/EAD:note[@type = 'holdStartDate']/EAD:p |
appraisalHoldEndDate | Hold End Date | EAD:appraisal/EAD:note[@type = 'holdEndDate']/EAD:p |
appraisalHoldReassessingDate | Hold Reassessing Date | EAD:appraisal/EAD:note[@type = 'holdReassessingDate']/EAD:p |
appraisalIsOnHold | Is On Hold | EAD:appraisal/EAD:note[@type = 'isOnHold']/EAD:p |
appraisalRetentionPeriod | Retention Period | EAD:appraisal/EAD:note[@type = 'retentionPeriod']/EAD:p |
appraisalAndDestruction | 3.2 Appraisal | EAD:appraisal/EAD:p |
arrangement | 3.4 Arrangement | EAD:arrangement/EAD:p |
bibliography | 5.4 Publications | EAD:bibliography/EAD:p |
dateOfBirth | Date of birth | EAD:bioghist/EAD:note[@type = 'dateBirth']/EAD:p |
firstname | Firstname | EAD:bioghist/EAD:note[@type = 'firstName']/EAD:p |
lastname | Lastname | EAD:bioghist/EAD:note[@type = 'lastName']/EAD:p |
nationality | Nationality | EAD:bioghist/EAD:note[@type = 'nationality']/EAD:p |
sex | Sex | EAD:bioghist/EAD:note[@type = 'sex']/EAD:p |
deathOfAuthor | Death of Author | EAD:bioghist/EAD:note[not(@type)]/EAD:p/EAD:date[@type = 'deathAuthor'] |
biographicalHistory | 2.2 Administrative History | EAD:bioghist/EAD:p |
institutionCreator | Institution Creator | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:corpname[@role = 'creator'] |
institutionInvolved | Institution Involved | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:corpname[@role = 'involved'] |
institution | Institution | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:corpname[not(@role)] |
familyName | Family name | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:famname[@role = 'general'] |
function | Function | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:function[@rules = 'general'] |
objectType | Type | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:genreform |
geogName | Geographic Name | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:geogname[@role = 'general'] |
authorGeneric | Author | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'author'] |
compartment | Compartment | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'compartment'] |
designer | Designer | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'designer'] |
editor | Editor | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'editor'] |
fundingSource | Funding Source | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'fundingSource'] |
illustrator | Draftsman | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'illustrator'] |
institute | Institute | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'institute'] |
journal | Journal | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'journal'] |
keyword | Keyword | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'keyword'] |
location | Location | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'location'] |
method | Method | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'method'] |
photographer | Photographer | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'photographer'] |
placeOfPublication | Place of Publication | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'placeOfPublication'] |
publisher | Publisher | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'publisher'] |
status | Status | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'status'] |
submitStatus | Submit status | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'submitStatus'] |
typeOfAcquisition | Type of Acquisition | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'typeOfAcquisition'] |
university | University | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'university'] |
occupation | Occupation | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:occupation[@rules = 'general'] |
author | Author | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:persname[@role = 'author'] |
creator | Creator | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:persname[@role = 'creator'] |
involved | Involved | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:persname[@role = 'involved'] |
responsible | Responsible | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:persname[@role = 'responsible'] |
staff | Staff Member | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:persname[@role = 'staff'] |
subjectGeneral | General Subject | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:subject[@rules = 'general'] |
subject | Subject | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:subject[not(@rules) and not(@role)] |
uniformTitle | Uniform Title | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:title[@type = 'uniform'] |
modeOfAcquisition | Mode of acquisition | EAD:custodhist/EAD:acqinfo/EAD:p |
sourceType | Availability | EAD:custodhist/EAD:note/EAD:p |
archivalHistory | 2.3 Archival History | EAD:custodhist/EAD:p |
PID | PID | EAD:dao[@xlink:role = 'simple']/@xlink:href |
registrationURL | URL for URN registrierung | EAD:daogrp[@xlink:role = 'registrationURL']/EAD:daoloc/@xlink:href |
sourceURL | Source URL | EAD:daogrp[@xlink:role = 'sourceURL']/EAD:daoloc/@xlink:href |
abstract | Abstract | EAD:did/EAD:abstract |
languageNotes | Language Notes | EAD:did/EAD:langmaterial/@label |
language | 4.3 Language | EAD:did/EAD:langmaterial/EAD:language |
cartographicMaterial | Cartographic Mathematical Data | EAD:did/EAD:materialspec[@label = 'cartographic'] |
scale | Scale | EAD:did/EAD:materialspec[@label = 'scale'] |
origination | Origination | EAD:did/EAD:origination |
originationAgency | Agency | EAD:did/EAD:origination[@label = 'agency'] |
originationDepartment | Department | EAD:did/EAD:origination[@label = 'department'] |
format | Format | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc[@label = 'format'] |
size | Size (in Bytes) | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc[@label = 'size'] |
dimensionsCategory | Format | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc/EAD:dimensions[@type = 'category' or @role = 'category'] |
dimensions | Dimensions | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc/EAD:dimensions[not(@type) and not(@role)] |
extentNote | 1.5 Note Extent | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc/EAD:extent[@type = 'note'] |
extentPrint | Extent (print) | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc/EAD:extent[@type = 'print'] |
extent | 1.5 Extent | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc/EAD:extent[not(@type)] |
extentUnit | 1.5 Measure | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc/EAD:extent[not(@type)]/@unit |
material | 1.5 Measure | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc/EAD:physfacet |
codeLocation | Location code | EAD:did/EAD:physloc[@label = 'code'] |
fullLocation | Location Description | EAD:did/EAD:physloc[@label = 'fullLocation'] |
creationPeriod | Creation Period | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'creationPeriod'] |
creationPeriodNotes | Notes | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'creationPeriodNotes'] |
date | Date | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'date'] |
from | 1.3 From | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'from'] |
fromYear | 1.3 From Year | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'fromYear'] |
invalid | Invalidation date | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'invalid'] |
letter | Letter date | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'letter'] |
relationPeriod | Relation period | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'relationPeriod'] |
to | 1.3 To | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'to'] |
toYear | 1.3 To Year | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'toYear'] |
year | Year | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'year'] |
accessionNumber | Accessions | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'accession'] |
edition | Edition | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'edition'] |
ISBN | ISBN | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'isbn'] |
ISSN | ISSN | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'issn'] |
refCodeIsVisible | Reference Code Visible | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'isVisible'] |
DOI | DOI | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'otherStandardIdentifier'] |
publication | Publication number | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'publication'] |
refCode | 1.1 Reference Code | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'refCode'] |
refCodeAdmin | Administrative Reference Code | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'refCodeAdmin'] |
refCodeOld | Old Reference Code | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'refCodeOld'] |
refCodeSeparator | Reference Code Separator | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'separator'] |
URN | URN | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'urn'] |
unitTitleAdditional | Additional Title | EAD:did/EAD:unittitle[@label = 'additional'] |
unitTitle | 1.2 Title | EAD:did/EAD:unittitle[@label = 'main'] |
unitTitleOriginal | Original Title | EAD:did/EAD:unittitle[@label = 'original'] |
unitTitleVarying | Varying Form of Title | EAD:did/EAD:unittitle[@label = 'varying'] |
filePlanPosition | File Plan Position | EAD:fileplan/EAD:note[@type = 'position']/EAD:p |
comment | 6.1 Notes | EAD:note/EAD:p |
doiJournal | DOI (Journal) | EAD:odd[@type = 'doiJournal']/EAD:p |
editionStatement | Edition Statement | EAD:odd[@type = 'edition']/EAD:p |
event | Event | EAD:odd[@type = 'event']/EAD:p |
harvestingURL | Web harvesting URL | EAD:odd[@type = 'harvesting']/EAD:dao[@xlink:role='harvestingURL']/@xlink:href |
harvestingDate | Web harvesting date | EAD:odd[@type = 'harvesting']/EAD:p/EAD:unitdate[@label='harvestingDate'] |
harvestingFrequency | Web harvesting frequency | EAD:odd[@type = 'harvesting']/EAD:note[@type='frequency']/EAD:p |
harvestingEntryPoint | Web harvesting entry point | EAD:odd[@type = 'harvesting']/EAD:note[@type='entryPoint']/EAD:p |
harvestingEmailRights | Web harvesting e-mail of right holder | EAD:odd[@type = 'harvesting']/EAD:address/EAD:addressline |
project | Project | EAD:odd[@type = 'project']/EAD:p |
projectAbbreviation | Project Abbreviation | EAD:odd[@type = 'projectAbbreviation']/EAD:p |
projectName | Project Name | EAD:odd[@type = 'projectName']/EAD:p |
projectTitle | Project Title | EAD:odd[@type = 'projectTitle']/EAD:p |
usage | Usage | EAD:odd[@type = 'usage']/EAD:p |
locationOfOriginals | 5.1 Location of Originals | EAD:originalsloc/EAD:p |
findingAids | 4.5 Finding Aids | EAD:otherfindaid/EAD:p |
characteristicsNote | Characteristic's Note | EAD:phystech/EAD:note/EAD:p |
characteristics | 4.4 Characteristics | EAD:phystech/EAD:p |
processInfoArchivist | 7.1 Archivist | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'archivist']/EAD:p |
processInfoDate | 7.3 Date of Description | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'date']/EAD:p |
digitization | Level of digitization | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'digitization']/EAD:p |
descriptionLevel | Description Level | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'level']/EAD:p |
descriptionLevelNotes | Description Level Notes | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'levelNotes']/EAD:p |
revisions | Revisions | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'revisions']/EAD:p |
descriptionRules | 7.2 Rules & Conventions | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'rules']/EAD:p |
relatedMaterialExtern | Reference | EAD:relatedmaterial/EAD:extref[@xlink:role = 'general'] |
relatedMaterial | 5.3 Related Objects | EAD:relatedmaterial/EAD:p |
scopeContent | 3.1 Scope and Content | EAD:scopecontent/EAD:p |
conditionsOfReproductions | 4.2 Reproductions | EAD:userestrict/EAD:p |