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Annual release 2020

On May 26th, 2020, all compontents were tagged to create a coherent setup of all applications. For this annual release a number of activites took place to ensure the long-term quality and stability of the code. One aspect was the move to modern and integrated platforms for testing and distribution management.

Solution components

docuteam feeder5.0"docuteam feeder" received, apart from the regular bugfixes and maintenance work, a couple of core improvements: you can now build sequences of workflows, depending on the respective outcome of/action on a workflow. And your user has the respective access, you can also upload packages from your local machine to be processed by respective workflows.
docuteam packer5.6In the contxt of "docuteam packer" we mainly focused on stability and fixes for the underlying SIP handling libraries.
docuteam actions5.6For "docuteam actions" (previously "feeder_java") the same improvements apply as mentioned above for "docuteam packer". In addition, a couple of new operations have been added.
docuteam rservices5.6With the perspective of moving to Fedora 4 (in the meantime it's become version 6) the abstraction from the specific repository software was extended, for example by generally delegating authorization to the repository.
docuteam bridge1.1As "docuteam bridge" was recently released as version 1.0, there was only maintenance work happening.
Fedora Repository Software3.8Given that Version 6 of the Fedora Repository Software is not yet published, we'll stay with 3.8.1 for the time being (as recommended by the community, too).
AtoM2.5We use the latest stable release of AtoM, extended with a Plug-in to access the digital repository.