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Annual release 2024

In summer 2024, all components were once again tagged to create a coherent setup of all applications. The focus was on optimizations for the new F6 repository stack and an expansion of box with new functionalities.

Solution components

docuteam feeder7.1Various usability improvements such as better sorting and filter options, the introduction of parameter types for workflow inputs and various bug fixes.
docuteam packer7.0Switch to Java 17, small bugfixes.
docuteam actions7.0Switch to Java 17, new actions and a lot of smaller bugfixes.
docuteam actions-js2.3New actions (e.g. to change data in the repository) and improvements (optimization and performance improvements in the ingest action).
docuteam box2.3Additional functionalities (viewing and editing of metadata, changes / deletions to repository data and DIP download) and improvements (performance, optimized F6 data model).
docuteam rservices5.11This minor version of rservices contains optimizations for migrating the Fedora repository stack.
Fedora 6 Repository Software6.5We are using the most recent version of the Fedora 6 repository software.
AtoM2.8We use the latest stable release of AtoM, extended with a plug-in to access the digital repository objects.

General setup and requirements

We primarily support Linux (Ubuntu) and the latest versions of Windows Server (2019 and 2022). The instances should have minimal resources of at least 4-8 CPU cores and 16GB RAM. By default, applications are installed on a separate drive/partition than the OS, requiring 100-200GB. Our preferred database system is Postgres. Other operating systems and DBMS may be supported, but have to be evaluated specifically. Backup is usually managed by the client, in consultation/collaboration with us.

By default, a setup of these applications is done using two server instances:

  • One server with the applications for managing the ingest processes, primarily consisting of docuteam feeder and docuteam actions/docuteam actions-js. In addition to the above requirements, a separate disk drive/partition is required as workbench, usually 3-4 times the size of the largest deposition to process.
  • One server instance for the repository stack, currently Fedora 6 Repository Software with docuteam box. Apart from the above requirements for OS and applications, the repository will need a storage area big enough to contain the records to be preserved, usually >=1TB.