Product features
This is a non-comprehensive list of features of docuteam context as of version 1.5. For additional and planned features, see our roadmap.
Functionality for archivists
Record archival material
- Record archival material by means of RiC Record resources (records) and Instantiations (representations), including:
- Capturing their extent.
- Setting access restriction periods.
- Recording the publication intent for metadata and digital objects.
- Computing reference codes based on the position of a record in the tree (Tektonik).
- Arrange and rearrange records hierarchically in the tree (Tektonik).
Edit single records or multiple records at once
- Use forms to edit single records.
- Use the grid to edit multiple records at once.
- Duplicate, copy & paste and delete records.
Manage locations
- Add, edit and delete locations where archival material is stored.
- Link locations to records by means of Instantiations.
- See a list of records stored in a particular location.
Manage controlled vocabularies
- Add, edit and delete local controlled vocabularies and authority data with RiC Agents, Places and Concepts.
- Link vocabularies to records and other entities.
Search for records
- Text search in record resources.
- Search for words or parts of words in all text fields.
- Search in any combination of text fields using search queries.
- Save searches as bookmarks in the browser and execute them later.
- Export search results in Excel format.
- Search for record resources created or updated within a specific date range.
User experience and usability
- Web-based UI with modern, fresh user experience and continuously tested and improved usability.
- Use UI in German, French or English. Additional languages may be added upon request.
Functionality for describing archives
Coherent, comprehensive data model adhering to standards
- Associate form fields with pre-defined properties, ensuring coherent mapping to RiC, EAD and other standard and formats.
- Link an entity to other entities in forms using pre-defined RiC Relations and Relators.
- Data model supports all fields for record resources and authorities used in docuteam cosmos.
Define forms and lists
Create and manage form definitions for recording meta data of records, locations, as well as controlled vocabularies.
Create and manage lists in the app, use them in forms.
Form fields for numbers, texts, text areas, dates and selection fields.
Support for mandatory and non-editable fields.
Support of fields with multiple values.
Set or select default values for form fields.
Group form fields using sections.
In-app documentation of all fields available in forms. Documentation may be filtered by entity type and mapping.
Support for multilingual help texts for fields in form definitions.
Support for references to standards for fields in form definitions.
Functionality for integrating systems and workflows
Integrate systems and workflows
- Integrate your systems and workflows over a well-defined, documented API.
- Export data in a variety of formats (see below) for further processing or additional backups.
- Integrate your industry-standard authentication solutions with the versatile Keycloak authentication server.
Export data in a variety of formats
- Export a single record, a record and its direct children, and a record and all its descendants in the UI or over the API.
- Export to RDF (Turtle and N-Triples), EAD and CSV.
- Export to "Context Native Format" (CNF), our native JSON format.
Import data from JSON/CNF
- Import a single record or multiple records, including all their instantiations and locations, as well as the directly connected authority data.
- Authority data may be added if missing. Alternatively, missing authority data leads to an abort of the import.
- Import from "Context Native Format" (CNF), our native JSON format.
Migration and onboarding of archives
- Provision a migration path for metadata of archives from docuteam curator to docuteam context.
- Use all fields and relations of docuteam curator in lists and forms.
- Use all fields of the ISAD(G) standard in forms.
- Use all fields supported by docuteam cosmos, our long-term archiving solution, in forms.