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Version: 2.2

Detail view

The "Detail view" allows you to consult RDF metadata of a Record Resource, edit metadata or download DIPs and XML metadata formats for a selected PID. The detail view can be launched by clicking on Show or Editin the simple search.

Show metadata

By clicking on Show box will display a list of selected metadata fields for the Record Resources linked to the PID. Please note that currently not all Matterhorn METS metadata elements are supported.

The element labels show the type of RiC-O entity (e.g. rico:Title) and the type or category of the entity (e.g. unititle) used to differentiate between different types of the same entity.

If the same element is present multiple times, the two literals are separated by a comma.


Download DIP and metadata

The Show view also allows you to download DIPs and selected XML metadata for the selected PID by using the Download button. Currently, the following download options are available:

  • DIP: Zip file containing a Matterhorn METS DIP
  • EAD: XML file containing descriptive EAD metadata
  • METS: XML file containing METS metadata
  • Original: Primary file (not applicable to folders)
  • PREMIS: XML file containing administrative PREMIS metadata

Edit metadata

The Edit view allows you the edit selected RDF metadata. The same fields as in the Show view are available for editing. The following operations are possible:

  • Edit content of metadata elements
  • Add new elements (most elements are repeatable)
  • Delete elements

After finishing the modification, you can confirm you changes with the Update record button. This will update the RDF metadata in Fedora.
